Frequently Asked Questions about CATIE’s Ordering Centre
How do I order publications?
You can use this website to place orders for free publications. If you prefer to place your order by phone, or to speak with someone regarding your resource needs, please contact our Specialist, Resource Access, at 1-800-263-1638 or
Are there any limits on quantities I can order?
Due to the limited availability of certain items in the Ordering Centre, we are not able to provide all resources in unlimited quantities. In the event that we are unable to provide the quantity you have requested, we may adjust your order. If you should have further questions about your order, please feel free to contact our Specialist, Resource Access, at 1-800-263-1638 or
How much will shipping cost me?
CATIE currently sends items within Canada at no charge using the least expensive form of shipping.
How much will resources cost me?
There is no charge; all resources distributed through the CATIE Ordering Centre are free to Canadian residents.
How quickly will I receive my order?
You should receive your order within 10 business days. Shipments leave CATIE’s distribution centre within two business days of the placement of your order. The arrival of your order at the address you have provided will depend on the location and carrier selected.
Are the resources in CATIE’s Ordering Centre also available electronically?
Most of the resources in CATIE’s Ordering Centre are available as PDFs. If your computer is unable to read PDF files, you can download Adobe Acrobat Reader.
What if I can’t find what I’m looking for?
If you would like assistance locating a particular resource or discussing your resource needs, please contact our Specialist, Resource Access, at 1-800-263-1638 or
What about my privacy?
CATIE securely retains information on past orders, including any information supplied during the order process. Except to complete your requested order, CATIE does not share your personal information with third-party organizations. All personal information collected through online orders is stored securely by our third-party distribution centre. Limited aggregate data on Ordering Centre usage may be periodically shared with funders and partner organizations for evaluation purposes. This does not include any personally identifiable information and is not linked to individual users. From time to time, CATIE may contact users of the Ordering Centre. Contact will only be made to gather information that will assist us in evaluating and improving our publications or services, or to recommend related resources. All items are shipped in plain packaging. There is no indication that the envelope or box has come from CATIE. The only return address printed on the packaging is that of the third-party distribution centre.
What if I know of a resource that hasn’t been included in CATIE’s Ordering Centre?
If you wish to suggest a resource for inclusion in the Ordering Centre collection, please contact our Specialist, Resource Access, at 1-800-263-1638 or
What steps have been taken by CATIE to protect the environment in fulfilling orders placed through the Ordering Centre?
CATIE has engaged the services of Lowe Martin for all our distribution services. You can read about Lowe Martin’s commitment to corporate sustainability here.
Frequently Asked Questions about CATIE's Ordering Centre
Distribution and Collection Policies

* Please note that some resources available through the Ordering Centre contain language, information and images related to sexuality and drug use, and may not be intended for people of all ages. CATIE ensures that these resources, developed to help prevent the transmission of HIV, hepatitis C and other infections, are written and reviewed by health experts for content accuracy. Organizations ordering these materials must review them to determine that the content is appropriate for their intended audience. Production of this website has been made possible through a financial contribution from the Public Health Agency of Canada.